The Road To Utopia

I don’t believe in coincidences. I have these goals to take a continental US road trip for 2-3 months to interview people all around the US. I have been toying with this idea for a couple of weeks and am eager to get started. I went to Maiko, found a business card of a gentleman who is a photographer and am friends with a fabulous videographer. Now starts the planning of the potential trek of the 3,200 miles of the Oregon Trail and considering couch surfing and getting to know hundreds of people across the country. This is a rough draft but the first step is to just begin and so now starts the planning.

What I am trying to achieve: we are all people, floating around and trying to figure it out. We are all here on this earth and my goal is to demonstrate that we are all connected. I am curious to find out peoples’ stories. I am curious to understand why people do what they do. What moves them? Why are they here, what is their “calling,” what inspires them and how do they learn? I am on this kick and understand that this life I live is a lesson and why not bring this theme to people so it can inspire, motivate and convey that anything they want is possible. I am driven by this insatiable desire to share my story, discover others, learn how others learn, and utilize my connections I have now. I hope by me “walking the walk” inspires others to do the same and not let their own fears and inhibitions hold them back. The time is now – so this is now and we can collaborate and join our energy to make this world a better place. I truly believe that people want to make the world a better place; they just don’t know how, don’t feel passionate by the things they are involved in currently, and feel somewhat insignificant. I want to prove that we are all beacons of power, we all have something to offer and why not better depict this by doing something I have always wanted to do but have allowed fear and judgement hold me back. So with that said, I would love your support, your donations, your positive thoughts and your emails to inquire more in how you can get involved. For once this is accomplished, I truly believe it will open the eyes and encourage people to go out there and do what moves them – to live their life with passion, enthusiasm, to venture off the beaten path and to inspire others to do the same.

Thank you for everything, everyone. For we all are on our journey to find what we can add to this world. I want to add connection, love, generosity, and exposure to peoples’ dreams and inspirations.

Be well,
