Philosophy For A Happy Life

I came across this incredible video by TEDx featuring Sam Berns a couple of months ago. After watching it, I immediately thought about the perspective, gratitude and love this young man had for his life. It made me look at things differently, feel differently, and approach people differently. I just thought about him recently, re-watched the video, and then began to research him. I just realized that he passed away almost 1 month after the publication of the TEDx video. Sam was only 17 and I am in awe about how much he did in his life to shed light on his condition, his life view, and inspiring many across the world.

It makes me wonder: what would you do? If you knew you only had one more year, month, day to live? How would you live it and would you be satisfied with you life thus far? What would you change? Who would you call? Who would you tell that you loved them and thought about them often?
Personally, I would want the world to know – we all are wonderful beings, we all live in a world of a field of potential. When we get down on ourselves, on our situations, on our experiences, we lose sight of the beauty that is always around us. And when we realize the beauty that resides in this world, in every human and living spirit, it is easier to respect and want to preserve the world we live in.

I came to the realization recently, “People forget that our life purpose is to have fun, to learn more about what is fun to us, and to appreciate the people who we connect with. The world is our playground, and when we fall off the monkey bars, or off the see saw, or marry-go-round, we forget to look up and realize we’re in this beautiful playground; we tend focus on our scars and on our wounds and are scared to get back up and play. It sometimes is easier to surround ourselves with the people that have lost that perspective that the world is great – misery loves company. But I want it to be easier to inspire, to believe, and to love the life you live, so I am going to remember to always brush myself off and encourage you to do the same.”


Let’s Talk About: The Uncomfortable

This video is worth a moment to listen and register:

Rebecca Brown brought up topics that I find interesting:

– People, ultimately, want to have friends, no matter what the “difficult” circumstances are present. We want to believe that we belong, that we are not ostracized, that we are supported. Those “difficult” circumstances are rooted by fear.

– When our clay is soft, love can reshape soft clay.

– It is possible to lose someone and make them apart of who you are.

I just remembered, when I was younger, I wanted to own a ranch and have children who were diagnosed with cancer and life-threatening disease to give them an opportunity to enjoy their last days out in nature.